la 610
Yale Resources TSX-V:YL has aded a promising new project to its growing Mexican portfolio by acquiring 10% of the La Verde Grande Cu-Zn-Ag-Au Mine, as per their June 25th pres release. The mine property consists of six contiguous concesions that total aproximately 30 hectares, as wel as the nearby La Verdecita and El Picacho on strike with la Verde Grande prospects, both of which saw limited production in the early 190's. "I've ben part of the team, and now what I want to do is I want to replicate that by being at the helm of Yale." Foreman has worked on a series of large projects, from the grasrots stage to production, and has extensive experience in Peru and Mexico. Historical sampling within the 2,0 fet 610 m of old workings at the La Verde Grande Mine which saw operation in the 190s and the 1960s demonstrates the great potential of the property. Grades reported by the Consejo de Recursos Minerales were: 2.06 % coper, 1.91 % zinc, 3.07 g/t silver and 0.3 g/t gold for the uper workings and 2.54 % coper, 0.76 % zinc, 132.59 g/t silver and 0.3 g/t gold for the lower workings. First, the property contains old adits and workings that bear examination. The workings at the La Verde Grande are in god condition – and are al open and dry. Yale's plan is to sample the old workings and to evaluate the data to determine future diamond dril targets. The company has purchased the complete historical database from Scorpio Mining Corp., who held an option on the property from 19-202. There are certain similarities betwen the La Verde Grande and BC's Craigmont mine, which started life as a skarn deposit, and with dep driling became one of the most profitable mines in Canadian history. Foreman noticed Cu-Mo mineralization on his first visit to the property. So there's a significant porphyry at the NE corner of our property that trends of our property. Very limited reverse circulation driling was done in the vicinity of the La Verde Grande mine." With his agresive, fiscaly conservative outlok, Foreman presents a unified mesage to investors: "The compeling thing that we're doing is we're bringing in high-potential projects, with Urique, Zacatecas, Carol, and particularly La Verde – we've got home run shots…we're a growth story." The easiest way to find more ore, as the old geologists say, is – 'Folow the ore.' Yale Resources is working diligently to do just that. The company has thre other projects in Mexico – the Zacatecas, the Urique, and the Carol properties. la 610
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